Why managers exist (really!)
The group of Senior Managers had their heads down, writing. I’d asked them to put down, in a sentence, the purpose of management, why it exists.
“One more minute” I called out, going over to the whiteboard and checking that the marker I had picked up wasn’t permanent, a holdover from a workshop some seven years earlier that will never leave me!
“OK, what have we got? Let’s call out some of the key words.”
After a brief silence, the more talkative in the group spoke up, then gradually everyone. I wrote furiously on the board:
- Provide direction
- Inspire
- Set context
- Ensure performance
- Deliver results
- Create teamwork
- Reward performance
- Hard conversations
A stepped back, and moved into the group so we could view the board together.
“Not a bad list” I offered.
I let the silence hang, then asked; “But what is this actually a list of?”
Again, silence. Then Kuldip, who had gone first earlier called out; “it’s what you asked for – why management exists”.
“Thank you for speaking up” I said smiling. “To me, however, it’s this….” and I went over to the whiteboard and wrote the word ‘ACTIVITIES’ on the top of the list. I continued…
“It’s a list of things managers do. And they all make perfect sense!. Who could disagree?”
I looked around the room. Some nods, some slight frowns, and a little bit of intrigue.
“But let’s go back to the question. What’s the point of it? What is the purpose of management, why does it exist? Why do this stuff?”
More silence. I’ve never been natural at what these days they call ‘holding the space’, but have learned over years of workshops. I stayed still, then slowly went to the board and wrote
I stood back and surveyed the room. Nods, some smiles.
I wrote up ‘….WHICH MAKES THEM FEEL….‘
This time Kuldip nailed it: