Have you heard of Personal Kanban?
School holidays are here, so I’m taking a short break from videos and articles.
But…there’s still something I’d like you to know about – it’s called Personal Kanban, by Jim Benson.
(The Muppets guy was Jim Henson. ‘H’)
Literally translated to ‘signboard’, ‘kanban’ started from Japanese production in the 1950s, with the key concept being that work is ‘pulled’ when there is a need for it. In the case of cars, this starts from a customer order.
It’s now gaining speed in so-called knowledge work, and it’s something it’s worth knowing more about.
Now think about your personal work. It’s not really ‘pulled’ is it? It’s pushed onto you.
And now think back to the last video I did where I told the story from Eli Goldratt of how an engineering group increased their throughput by over 4x by simply restricting the amount of jobs they had open.
So what you need is a way to make it so your work is pulled by you, not pushed onto you.
This is what you get with….Jim Benson’s Personal Kanban.
It’s a book, and you can watch him go through it here on video.
Clients of mine who adopt this usually notice a huge difference in not only the amount of work they get done…but in peace of mind too.
Either way, worth a look!
And as for me, I’ll be back in a couple of weeks, and if you’d like to see some of the videos I’ve done over the last year, just click here.