No therapy required: How to get your people working together
Have you, or are you about to, invest money in getting your people to work better as a team? To get them to get along, to understand each other, to form closer bonds so work will truly flow across your organisation like the ball moving from defence to attack?
Your motives are pure. You want your people to work better together.
But there’s something you need to do first. Here it is, the biggest piece of obvious you will have read for quite some time:
To get your people to work better together, tell them how their roles work together.
That’s it!
Are you laughing? Does this seem too simple to you? Well it is simple. A better word for it is foundational.
Would you agree that it’s a foundational condition for effectiveness that people in roles have an understanding of how their roles fit together? That things are easy when people ‘know where they stand’, when they know who can ask who to do what in terms of their core jobs, the reason they are there?
We need this sorted. Your people need this sorted.
So you have a choice. You can invest in friendship training, and then hope that your people can figure out for themselves how their roles fit together. They might even do so. And if you can afford the coffees and the lunches and your competitors and/or customers are happy to wait….sounds great.
Here’s the other way. Decide, then tell them how their roles work together. Here’s some examples:* Read more…